Bridging the Gap: How to Manage and Motivate Your Gen Z Employees

Published on
Mar 22, 2024
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As a leader in the modern workforce, it's important to understand that the younger generation of employees, specifically Gen Zers, have a different set of expectations when it comes to their workplace and their managers.

If you're not familiar with these expectations, it can be difficult to engage with your younger workforce and get the most out of them.

A recent survey found that 74% of managers find Gen Z to be more difficult to work with - but this doesn't need to be the case.

So, what do Gen Zers expect from their workplace and their managers?

How to Engage Younger Employees

Communication is Key

Gen Zers prefer communication that is direct, honest, and transparent. They want to know what's going on in the company and where they stand within it.

This means that they're looking for managers who are approachable and who value open and honest communication.

Growth Opportunities

Gen Zers are ambitious and want to feel like they're making progress in their careers. They want to work for companies that offer growth opportunities and a clear career path.

As a manager, it's important to show your younger employees that you're invested in their growth and development.

For more on establishing growth opportunities, check out our post Building a Career Progression Framework for Your Employees: Benefits and Examples.

Feedback is Essential

Gen Zers value feedback and want to know how they're doing on a regular basis. They want to understand where they're excelling and where they can improve.

This means that managers need to provide frequent, actionable feedback that is specific and meaningful.

Perhaps it makes sense for your team to leverage platforms like WorkStory to promote and collect real-time feedback seamlessly so that managers don't have to think about it.

Technology is a Must

Gen Zers are digital natives and are used to working with technology in their everyday lives.

They expect their workplace to be just as technologically advanced as their personal lives.

This means that managers need to be comfortable with using technology to communicate and manage their teams - not necessarily face-to-face.

Work/Life Balance is Key

Gen Zers prioritize their work/life balance and want to work for companies that value their personal time.

If applicable to your workplace, managers need to be flexible and understanding when it comes to scheduling and working arrangements, while setting clear expectations for productivity.

Get to Know Your Team's Needs

By understanding what Gen Zers expect from their workplace and their managers, you can create a more engaging and productive work environment.

Take the time to get to know your younger employees and what they need to succeed. In doing so, you'll be creating a workplace that is inclusive, productive, attractive to others, and ultimately successful.

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