Software Engineering

Scaling Your Performance Reviews: From Manual Tools to Automated Solutions

As teams grow, tracking employee performance within the traditional model can become a time-consuming and unmanageable task. Many companies get started by using surveys, Google Forms, or just plain Word docs to conduct performance reviews. With time, these methods become less effective.
Published on
March 2024

Everyone hates performance reviews, but that shouldn't be the case. We just don't know any better because the "annual review" process has been the same for over 50 years and we gravitate to that as the best way to get started.

As teams grow, tracking employee performance within the traditional model can become a time-consuming and unmanageable task. Many companies get started by using surveys, Google Forms, or just plain Word docs to conduct performance reviews. With time, these methods become less effective.

Startups, in particular, are often looking to scale quickly and have an even greater need for feedback and quickly identifying underperforming employees and standout team players. This is where performance review software solutions come in.

These tools are designed to alleviate the time commitment, while also transitioning from unhelpful annual performance review conversations to a more continuous model of ongoing feedback and coaching.

Features to Consider When Researching Performance Review Tools

When considering a performance management tool, teams should look for a solution that integrates easily within the team's workflow. Additionally, it should include the following features:

Real-Time Tracking of Employee Performance

With manual tools managers are only able to provide feedback once or twice a year. However, with integrated review solutions, managers can track employee performance and provide feedback on a regular basis. This moves the focus from performance evaluation to continuous growth.

360 Reviews

Allows for feedback from multiple sources, including managers, peers, and direct reports, and can provide a more comprehensive view of an employee's performance.

Having more data through 360 reviews means that the information can be a more accurate representation of each team member. It also makes it easier to identify strengths and to recognize employees who are excelling in their roles.

Continuous Feedback

Facilitating continuous feedback can help to create a culture of ongoing improvement and development - benefitting both the employee and the team as a whole in the longer-term.

Goal Setting

Enables managers and employees to set and track goals, ensuring everyone is working towards the same objectives. This also allows for more objective performance measurement rather than relying solely on subjective inputs.

Reporting and Analytics

A tool that provides simple reporting and analytics can help managers identify trends and make data-driven decisions faster. If shared properly, employees and managers can be on the same page with regard to performance, throughout the year, and never have to face difficult performance conversations.

Performance Reviews Should Be Easy

Scalable review tools that enable continuous feedback and employee development are vital as teams grow.

With features such as real-time tracking of employee performance, goal setting, 360 reviews, continuous feedback, and reporting and analytics, teams can easily track employee performance, set goals, and provide constructive feedback in real-time, ultimately leading to a more engaged and productive workforce.

Solutions like WorkStory provide an effective solution to the difficulties of employee reviews and can be a great option to consider.

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