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Employee Engagement

The Metric that Predicts Turnover: Why eNPS Matters More Than Ever

Employee engagement measurement has never been more essential. As organizations embrace hybrid policies and evolve workplace models, they need to closely monitor how these seismic shifts impact the workforce. That's where regularly measuring employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) comes in.
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Employee Engagement

The Shift to Employee Retention as a Top Priority

There's a significant shift taking place. A recent study by Gallagher has brought to light an intriguing trend: employers are now prioritizing employee retention over revenue and sales growth.
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Employee Engagement

How to Identify and Address a Toxic Work Environment in SMBs

Toxic work environments can negatively impact morale, productivity, and importantly, retention. Let's explore the signs of a toxic work environment to make it easier for leaders to identify if one exists and share strategies they can use to mitigate it.
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Employee Engagement

Quiet Promotions: The Impact on Employee Morale and Retention

Quiet promotions, where employee advancements are made without clear recognition or communication, can have significant consequences for both individuals and organizations. Here are some strategies for leaders to mitigate these challenges and foster a more transparent and supportive workplace culture.
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Employee Engagement

How HR Managers Can Boost Team Morale on a Tight Budget

Keeping your team motivated and engaged is essential for business success. However, when budgets are tight or there is a perceived economic downturn, it can be challenging to maintain high morale. Fortunately, there are many creative ways that HR managers can positively impact team morale without breaking the bank.
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Employee Engagement

How Managers Can Address and Solve Burnout in Their Employees

As a manager, you play a vital role in ensuring the well-being of your team members. One of the most significant challenges that you might encounter is employee burnout.
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Employee Engagement

How to Manage and Motivate Your Gen Z Employees

It's important to understand that the younger generation of employees, specifically Gen Zers, have a different set of expectations when it comes to their workplace and their managers.
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Employee Engagement

Do You Know if Your Employees Are Happy?

You may believe that your employees are happy and engaged with their work, but do you really know for sure? Get started by just asking them.
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Employee Engagement

Creating Company Traditions to Build a Stronger Team

At the heart of every great company is a unique culture that sets it apart from the rest. One key aspect of company culture is traditions that create a shared experience and build a sense of community.
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Employee Engagement

The Difference Between Good and Bad Turnover

Every growing business knows that losing team members is inevitable. But instead of viewing it as a negative, companies should embrace healthy turnover as an opportunity to build a stronger team.
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Employee Engagement

The Costs of Turnover: Strategies for Improving Employee Retention

When employees leave, companies must invest significant time and resources into finding and training replacements, all while dealing with the loss of institutional knowledge and relationships. In this post, we'll explore strategies for reducing turnover.
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Employee Engagement

Boosting Employee Engagement Using Microsoft Teams and Slack

Employee engagement is crucial for any business to succeed, and chat tools like Microsoft Teams and Slack can be powerful platforms for promoting it.
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Employee Engagement

The Business Case for Employee Engagement

Engaged employees are essential to the growth and profitability of businesses. They perform better, stay longer, and contribute more to the bottom line.
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Employee Engagement

Recognizing and Rewarding Your Employees

As a business leader, it's essential to keep your team motivated and engaged. One of the most effective ways to do this is by recognizing your employees' hard work and achievements.
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Employee Engagement

How Regular Performance Reviews Can Boost Employee Retention

While perks like free snacks and unlimited PTO might seem appealing, research shows that one of the most effective ways to positively impact employee retention and satisfied is through regular performance reviews.
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Employee Engagement

How to Address and Overcome a Quiet Promotion at Work

Have you ever felt like you're taking on more and more responsibilities at work, but there's no change in your job title or salary? Welcome to the world of "Quiet Promotion." It's a sneaky form of exploitation that can leave employees feeling overworked and undervalued.
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Employee Engagement

Why New Hires Leave: Common Causes and Solutions

High turnover among new hires is a common problem faced by many organizations. In this guide, we will explore the causes of high turnover among new hires and strategies for reducing it.
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Employee Engagement

How Managers Can Promote Better Soft Skills in the Modern Workplace

In today's fast-paced, highly competitive business environment, organizations must do everything they can to ensure that their team members have the skills they need to succeed. This includes not only technical skills, but also soft skills such as communication, problem-solving, and collaboration.
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Employee Engagement

8 Employee Engagement Tips For A Happier Working Environment

Having more money to give your employees may put a smile on their faces, but it's not the only way to keep them happy. Here are eight employee engagement tips to help you get a happier workplace.
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Employee Engagement

How To Boost Employee Engagement

Only one-third of our workforce is actually engaged in what they are doing. This means that most employees are not engaged and some are actively disengaged. That's scary.
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