Law Firm


Performance Review Example

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Law Firm


Job Description:
Assists attorneys in legal research, case preparation, and administrative tasks. Gathers information, drafts legal documents, and supports clients in legal matters.
Performance Areas:
Legal Research and Case Analysis
  1. How effectively does the employee conduct legal research and analyze case law and statutes?
  2. Does the employee identify relevant legal arguments and strategies?
  3. Does the employee support attorneys in building strong legal cases?
Drafting Legal Documents
  1. How well does the employee draft legal documents, pleadings, and contracts?
  2. Does the employee ensure accuracy, clarity, and adherence to legal guidelines?
  3. Does the employee assist in drafting documents for court proceedings?
Client Interaction and Communication
  1. How does the employee interact with clients and respond to inquiries professionally?
  2. Does the employee gather client information and assist in case assessments?
  3. Does the employee manage client expectations and maintain confidentiality?
Discovery and Evidence Gathering
  1. How effectively does the employee assist in the discovery process, including document collection and interviews?
  2. Does the employee support attorneys in preparing evidence for trial?
  3. Does the employee ensure accurate documentation and organization of evidence?
Case File Management and Organization
  1. How well does the employee maintain organized case files, documents, and correspondence?
  2. Does the employee ensure timely and accurate updates to case records?
  3. Does the employee assist in tracking important deadlines and milestones?
Courtroom Support and Trial Preparation
  1. How does the employee assist attorneys during court proceedings and trials?
  2. Does the employee coordinate logistics, exhibits, and documentation for hearings?
  3. Does the employee manage administrative tasks to support effective trial presentation?
Overall Performance:
  • Summarize the employee's performance during the review period.
  • Highlight key strengths and areas for improvement.
Goals and Development:
  • Discuss performance goals for the next review period, structured as SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound).
  • Identify areas for professional development and training opportunities.
Additional Comments:
  • Provide any additional comments or feedback about the employee's performance.

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  1. The WorkStory Platform: Our all-in-one performance management solution. WorkStory makes it easy to gather continuous feedback, run 360 reviews, and track team progress—all in one place. Perfect for teams looking to move beyond traditional performance reviews.
  2. The Performance Review Builder Tool: Create customized performance reviews that fit your organization’s unique needs. Tailor the reviews to each role, streamline the review process, and focus on growth-oriented feedback.
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Law Firm

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