Sports Management

Sports Marketing Manager

Performance Review Example

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Sports Management

Sports Marketing Manager

Job Description:
Oversees marketing and promotional efforts for athletes and sports clients, leveraging their brands and image to create marketing campaigns and partnerships. Responsibilities include marketing strategy development, sponsorship management, and client promotion.
Performance Areas:
Marketing Strategy Development
  1. How effectively does the employee create marketing strategies tailored to athletes and sports clients?
  2. Does the employee identify unique selling points and marketable attributes of clients to design compelling campaigns?
  3. Does the employee align marketing strategies with clients' goals and brand identity?
Sponsorship Management
  1. How well does the employee manage sponsorship deals and partnerships for athletes and sports clients?
  2. Does the employee secure sponsorship agreements and negotiate terms that benefit clients and partners?
  3. Does the employee maintain positive relationships with sponsors and ensure contractual obligations are met?
Client Promotion and Brand Building
  1. How does the employee promote and enhance the personal brands of athletes and sports professionals?
  2. Does the employee develop marketing materials, content, and campaigns to increase client visibility and fan engagement?
  3. Does the employee use social media, events, and media opportunities to boost clients' public profiles?
Market Research and Trend Analysis
  1. How effectively does the employee conduct market research and trend analysis in the sports industry?
  2. Does the employee stay updated on market dynamics, consumer behavior, and emerging marketing trends?
  3. Does the employee use insights to fine-tune marketing strategies and maximize client exposure?
Event Planning and Management
  1. How does the employee plan and execute sports-related events and promotions?
  2. Does the employee coordinate sports events, press conferences, and product launches to engage fans and media?
  3. Does the employee ensure smooth event logistics and deliver memorable experiences for clients and attendees?
Media Relations and Publicity
  1. How well does the employee manage media relations and generate positive publicity for clients?
  2. Does the employee handle media inquiries, interviews, and press releases professionally and strategically?
  3. Does the employee leverage media opportunities to build clients' reputations and reach wider audiences?
Overall Performance:
  • Summarize the employee's performance during the review period.
  • Highlight key strengths and areas for improvement.
Goals and Development:
  • Discuss performance goals for the next review period, structured as SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound).
  • Identify areas for professional development and training opportunities.
Additional Comments:
  • Provide any additional comments or feedback about the employee's performance.

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Sports Management

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