Property Management Group

Property Accountant

Performance Review Example

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Property Management Group

Property Accountant

Job Description:
Manages financial records and accounting tasks for rental properties within the property management portfolio. Responsibilities include bookkeeping, budgeting, financial reporting, and tax preparation.
Performance Areas:
Financial Record Keeping and Bookkeeping
  1. How effectively does the employee maintain accurate financial records for rental properties?
  2. Does the employee handle bookkeeping tasks, including income, expenses, and transactions, with precision and attention to detail?
  3. Does the employee ensure that financial records comply with accounting standards and regulations?
Budget Planning and Management
  1. How well does the employee contribute to budget planning and financial management for rental properties?
  2. Does the employee assist in creating property budgets, forecasting expenses, and optimizing financial performance?
  3. Does the employee monitor budget adherence and propose adjustments as needed?
Financial Reporting and Analysis
  1. How does the employee handle financial reporting and analysis for property management?
  2. Does the employee generate regular financial reports, income statements, and balance sheets for property owners and stakeholders?
  3. Does the employee analyze financial data to provide insights and recommendations for improving property profitability?
Tax Preparation and Compliance
  1. How effectively does the employee manage tax-related tasks and ensure compliance with tax regulations?
  2. Does the employee prepare and submit accurate tax returns for rental properties and property owners?
  3. Does the employee stay updated on tax laws and utilize tax strategies to minimize property tax liabilities?
Vendor Payments and Invoices
  1. How well does the employee handle vendor payments and invoice processing for property-related services?
  2. Does the employee ensure that vendors are paid accurately and on time?
  3. Does the employee review invoices, reconcile payments, and address discrepancies professionally?
Tenant Rent Collection and Records
  1. How does the employee manage tenant rent collection and maintain rent records?
  2. Does the employee oversee rent collection processes, including issuing invoices and tracking payments?
  3. Does the employee handle rent-related inquiries and maintain organized rent records?
Overall Performance:
  • Summarize the employee's performance during the review period.
  • Highlight key strengths and areas for improvement.
Goals and Development:
  • Discuss performance goals for the next review period, structured as SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound).
  • Identify areas for professional development and training opportunities.
Additional Comments:
  • Provide any additional comments or feedback about the employee's performance.

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Property Management Group

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