Healthcare Provider

Medical Office Manager

Performance Review Example

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Healthcare Provider

Medical Office Manager

Job Description:
Oversee the administrative operations of a medical office, including staff management, scheduling, and budgeting. Ensure compliance with healthcare regulations and handle office logistics. Collaborate with healthcare providers to optimize patient care and streamline office processes.
Performance Areas:
Staff Supervision and Leadership
  1. How effectively does the Medical Office Manager lead and supervise office staff?
  2. Does the manager provide guidance and support to team members?
  3. How does the manager promote a positive and productive work environment?
Financial Management and Billing
  1. How well does the Medical Office Manager handle financial administration and billing processes?
  2. Does the manager ensure accurate coding and claims submission?
  3. How does the manager monitor revenue and expenses to optimize financial performance?
Patient Satisfaction and Experience
  1. How effectively does the Medical Office Manager focus on patient satisfaction and experience?
  2. Does the manager address patient feedback and concerns?
  3. How does the manager enhance the overall patient journey in the office?
Office Policies and Compliance
  1. How well does the Medical Office Manager establish and enforce office policies and procedures?
  2. Does the manager ensure compliance with healthcare regulations and standards?
  3. How does the manager maintain patient confidentiality and data security?
Office Workflow and Efficiency
  1. How effectively does the Medical Office Manager optimize office workflow and efficiency?
  2. Does the manager implement strategies to reduce wait times and improve patient flow?
  3. How does the manager coordinate with healthcare providers to streamline operations?
Human Resources and Recruitment
  1. How well does the Medical Office Manager handle human resources tasks, such as recruitment and onboarding?
  2. Does the manager conduct performance evaluations and training sessions?
  3. How does the manager promote staff development and career growth?
Overall Performance:
  • Summarize the employee's performance during the review period.
  • Highlight key strengths and areas for improvement.
Goals and Development:
  • Discuss performance goals for the next review period, structured as SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound).
  • Identify areas for professional development and training opportunities.
Additional Comments:
  • Provide any additional comments or feedback about the employee's performance.

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  1. The WorkStory Platform: Our all-in-one performance management solution. WorkStory makes it easy to gather continuous feedback, run 360 reviews, and track team progress—all in one place. Perfect for teams looking to move beyond traditional performance reviews.
  2. The Performance Review Builder Tool: Create customized performance reviews that fit your organization’s unique needs. Tailor the reviews to each role, streamline the review process, and focus on growth-oriented feedback.
  3. Performance Review Templates: Access a library of pre-built, best-in-class performance review templates that are ready to use. Whether you need templates for leadership, team members, or cross-functional roles, we’ve got you covered.
  4. HR Document Templates: From onboarding checklists to change management guides, our HR templates are designed to save time and ensure consistency across your organization. Simply download, customize, and implement.


Healthcare Provider

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