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Healthcare Provider


Performance Review Example

Healthcare Provider


Job Description:
Dispense medications, review prescriptions for accuracy and safety, and provide medication counseling to patients. Collaborate with physicians and healthcare teams to optimize medication therapy and patient outcomes. Monitor for drug interactions and potential side effects.
Performance Areas:
Medication Dispensing and Accuracy
  1. How effectively does the Pharmacist dispense medications and verify prescription accuracy?
  2. Does the pharmacist follow dosage instructions and drug interactions?
  3. How does the pharmacist ensure patient safety in medication dispensing?
Medication Counseling and Patient Education
  1. How well does the Pharmacist provide medication counseling and patient education?
  2. Does the pharmacist explain medication instructions and potential side effects?
  3. How does the pharmacist address patient questions and concerns about their medications?
Medication Management and Therapy Review
  1. How effectively does the Pharmacist review patients' medication therapy?
  2. Does the pharmacist identify potential drug interactions and adverse reactions?
  3. How does the pharmacist optimize medication regimens for patient well-being?
Pharmacy Inventory and Drug Storage
  1. How well does the Pharmacist manage pharmacy inventory and drug storage?
  2. Does the pharmacist ensure proper medication storage conditions?
  3. How does the pharmacist maintain an adequate supply of medications?
Medication Therapy Monitoring and Adherence
  1. How effectively does the Pharmacist monitor patients' medication therapy outcomes?
  2. Does the pharmacist assess patients' adherence to prescribed medications?
  3. How does the pharmacist collaborate with healthcare teams for patient management?
Medication Compounding and Specialized Formulations
  1. How well does the Pharmacist perform medication compounding and specialized formulations?
  2. Does the pharmacist prepare customized medications as needed?
  3. How does the pharmacist follow sterile compounding procedures?
Overall Performance:
  • Summarize the employee's performance during the review period.
  • Highlight key strengths and areas for improvement.
Goals and Development:
  • Discuss performance goals for the next review period, structured as SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound).
  • Identify areas for professional development and training opportunities.
Additional Comments:
  • Provide any additional comments or feedback about the employee's performance.

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Healthcare Provider

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