Healthcare Provider

Occupational Therapist

Performance Review Example

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Healthcare Provider

Occupational Therapist

Job Description:
Assess patients' functional abilities and develop individualized treatment plans to improve their daily living skills. Provide therapy to enhance patients' independence and participation in daily activities. Collaborate with healthcare teams to support patients' overall well-being.
Performance Areas:
Occupational Assessment and Evaluation
  1. How effectively does the Occupational Therapist assess patients' functional abilities and daily living skills?
  2. Does the therapist identify challenges in performing daily activities?
  3. How does the therapist tailor interventions based on assessment findings?
Activity Modification and Adaptation
  1. How well does the Occupational Therapist modify and adapt activities for patients?
  2. Does the therapist ensure a safe and supportive environment for therapeutic activities?
  3. How does the therapist empower patients to achieve meaningful goals?
Assistive Devices and Adaptive Strategies
  1. How effectively does the Occupational Therapist recommend and use assistive devices and adaptive strategies?
  2. Does the therapist train patients in using adaptive tools?
  3. How does the therapist promote independence through assistive devices?
Home and Workplace Environment Evaluation
  1. How well does the Occupational Therapist assess home and workplace environments for safety and accessibility?
  2. Does the therapist recommend modifications for optimal function?
  3. How does the therapist collaborate with patients' caregivers and employers?
Sensory Integration and Motor Skills Training
  1. How effectively does the Occupational Therapist address sensory integration challenges?
  2. Does the therapist facilitate motor skills development in patients?
  3. How does the therapist promote fine and gross motor coordination?
Cognitive Rehabilitation and Memory Training
  1. How well does the Occupational Therapist provide cognitive rehabilitation and memory training?
  2. Does the therapist address memory deficits and cognitive impairments?
  3. How does the therapist improve patients' cognitive functioning and problem-solving skills?
Overall Performance:
  • Summarize the employee's performance during the review period.
  • Highlight key strengths and areas for improvement.
Goals and Development:
  • Discuss performance goals for the next review period, structured as SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound).
  • Identify areas for professional development and training opportunities.
Additional Comments:
  • Provide any additional comments or feedback about the employee's performance.

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