Enabling Feedback Notifications

Much of the WorkStory process is centered around giving and receiving feedback to your fellow teammates.

As such, we want team members to have the option to be notified, in real-time, when they receive feedback so that they can learn and grow from their experience. The quicker feedback is shared in response to a given situation or behavior, the more effective it can be in promoting change or improvement.

There are multiple notification options available to you, depending on your account type. Notifications are sent to you via your designated channel of choice - Slack, Teams, Webex, or email.

To toggle your notification options, navigating to the Profile >> Notifications tab.

Personal Notifications

All team members have access to this type of notification.

This determines where you'd like to be alerted that you've received feedback. You can choose to receive it on the WorkStory platform, only, or you can elect to also receive a notification through your communication channel of choice - Slack, Teams, Webex, email.

Manager and Administrator Notifications

Managers and Admins can choose if they would like to be notified when members of their team receive feedback, and where they'd like to receive those notifications.

With the addition of AI elements to the WorkStory platform, we're now automatically measuring the sentiment of all feedback comments (how positive or negative team members are being from -100 to +100). As a result, we are able to determine when feedback is shared that requires a second look or at least managerial overview.

If you are a manager or administrator you'll have access to these additional notification options. These options exist so that so that you can be made aware of potential issues within the team and take action if needed.

Default Settings


  • Your Notifications - On WorkStory and via communication channel

Manager Level

  • Team Feedback - On WorkStory only
  • Positive Team Feedback - Off
  • Negative Team Feedback - On WorkStory and via communication channel

Administrator Level

  • Team Feedback - Off
  • Positive Team Feedback - Off
  • Negative Team Feedback - Off