Creating Pulse Questions

Since WorkStory is continuously asking team members for their input on one another, it only makes sense that leaders should be able to craft and send their own questions to the group as well, to get a sense of employee engagement and to collect feedback on the employee experience.

With WorkStory's Pulse feature, you're able to craft questions, schedule them to be sent and/or repeat, send them to specific groups, and analyze the results to better inform your decisions.

If you're looking for some inspiration, here are some example questions that teams frequently use to collect input from their team members:

  • How likely are you to recommend us as a great place to work? (NPS-style question)
  • What's your biggest accomplishment this month?
  • What's your biggest challenge right now?
  • Who in the past month has gone above and beyond for our team or our customers?
  • Do any of our processes seem inefficient to you - how can we fix them?
  • What do you need help with?
  • Is there anything in your work world that’s causing frustration or delays?
  • Are you crystal clear on your role and what you should be working on - if not, what aspects aren’t clear?
  • What is the most meaningful part of your job?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your work-life balance?
  • As a company, what could we do better?

Creating a pulse question

Team administrators are the only one with access to building and viewing pulse questions

To build a pulse question:

  1. Click on Tracking in the left-hand menu then click Pulse
  2. Add your question text
  3. Select your answer type - these include NPS (multiple choice with NPS formula in use), multiple choice (1-5 or 1-10), Custom multiple choice, and free response
  4. Select a category - this is just a tag for the type of question being used
  5. Pick a repeat option - do you want this question to be repeating at specific intervals? For example, monthly or quarterly sends.
  6. Select a date and time at which you'd like the question to be sent
  7. Determine how anonymous you'd like team members to be when answering questions—you can allow anonymity, force anonymity, or prevent anonymity
  8. From there you can save the question as a draft to be completed later or enable the question which will set it live to be sent

Completing a Pulse Question

Answering pulse questions is as easy as sending a chat message. Depending on where you receive your WorkStory communications, you'll be sent pulse questions in that channel and can answer them within just a few seconds. Here's an example walkthrough of a pulse question send in Microsoft Teams.

Reviewing Pulse Question Results

As questions are sent and answered, you get access to a running feed of the responses. From the pulse dashboard you're able to view all of the answers for each question, monitor the response analytics, and view participation.

If needed, you can also send reminders to team member who have not yet responded to a particular question.

Sample Pulse Responses

NPS Pule Results Example

For more background on effective pulse questions, check out our blog post "Pulse Surveys: A Guide for HR Managers and Decision-Makers".